The Homosexual Bomb

From: "Shlomoh Sherman" <>
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Subject: [exorthodoxjews] homosexual bomb - oh Mary! You could just CHOLESH!

King Solomon wrote:
This reminds me of the homo bomb we were developing which when exploded would make the enemy soldiers start sucking each other and stop firing at us

Shlomo Leib Aronovitz wrote:
Reasons why a 'gay' bomb would backfire:

1) It would only affect the 50% of Arab men that don't already harbor homo-erotic fantasies. We'd be fighting the same number.
2) They wouldn't hate Israel because of occupation, but for lack of color coordination and decorative originality.  Hang mismatched mini-blinds and expect a jihad!
3) Fallout from such a bomb would likely strike the Charedi communities and they will switch from black to wearing pink, periwinkle, or salmon. I, for one, do not want to see that happen. Ever try to find good shoes to go with those colors?
4) Arabs who are currently heavy into bestiality will neglect their livestock. Arabs put the 'husband' back in husbandry. Farm work will cease.
5) The last thing we need in the West Bank or Gaza is another parade.

From: Tikvah
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Subject: Re: [exorthodoxjews] Re: homosexual bomb
Reasons why a 'gay' bomb would backfire:

1) It would only affect the 50% of Arab men that don't already harbor homo-erotic fantasies. We'd be fighting the same number.
It would be much easier to win a hair-pulling, bitch-slapping fight. Who in his right mind is going to blow up his expensive boob job? Perhaps the "jihad" could evolve into a cliquish gossiping contest. Maybe Oprah could be called in to settle it.

2) They wouldn't hate Israel because of occupation, but for lack of color coordination and decorative originality.  Hang mismatched mini-blinds and expect a jihad!
Oh, for the love of God, Bruce, mini blinds would rightly start riots, color coordinated or not! Any gay guy worth his salt knows that semi-sheer scarves are the only way to go..

3) Fallout from such a bomb would likely strike the Charedi communities and they will switch from black to wearing pink, periwinkle, or salmon. I, for one, do not want to see that happen. Ever try to find good shoes to go with those colors?
Don't forget teal. Oh, honey, one can get the nicest pumps in any decent shade. By the way, shoemakers in the Bay Area carry them up to size 14.

4) Arabs who are currently heavy into bestiality will neglect their livestock. Arabs put the 'husband' back in husbandry. Farm work will cease.
Farm work may cease, per se, but someone will surely be "workin' the farm."

5) The last thing we need in the West Bank or Gaza is another parade.
Oh no, dahling, it's exactly what we need. Just imagine how gorgeous Arafat would have been, had he ditched that picnic tablecloth shmatta he wore and replaced it with a nice rainbow sash.

From: "King Solomon"
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Subject: Re: [exorthodoxjews] Re: homosexual bomb

You know how our planes blasted out rock music in VietNam to drive the gooks crazy. Israel could set up loudspeakers at the Gaza gate and blast out "It's Raining Men"!

  [see an original article about the Gay Bomb   Click Here ]

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