Frisky's Funeral - July 27, 2007

Marvel not at this, for the hour cometh in which they who are in
Tupperware shall hear the sound of his squeek.
1 Stumpy 5:28

Be not like the hamsters which run the wheel and eat sunflower seeds
on the sabbath. Ye are in the cage but not of the cage.
1 Stumpy 6:5

Ye will be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, from
digeistable to indigeistable.
1 Stumpy 15:51,52

The promise is for them, their uneaten children, and their uneaten
childeren's children, even as many as Stumpy doth call.
2 Stumpy 1:20

If ye were of the cage, the cage would love its own. But if the world hated
Stumpy, it will hate you.
1 Stumpy 15:18-19

He belived in Stumpy who became a cat's meal for all hamsters, and any
hamster who believeth in him is saved, even if they bit or pooped on the floor.
2 Stumpy 10:11

For Stumpy so loved the wheeled cage that he gave himself as a meal so whosoever believed
in him would not be turned into a cat turd, but run the wheel forever.
2 Stumpy 3:16

He that liveth and believeth in Stumpy - tho he were dead yet shall he live.
In Stumpy's fathers cage are many wheels. If it were not so he would have told Frisky
1 Stumpy 11:24-26 2 Stumpy 14:2

Watch therefore,for ye know not at what hour the Son of Ham cometh.
2 Stumpy 24:42

But biters and poopers will be cast into the lake of fire where there will be gnashing
of teeth and the worm dieth not.
1 Stumpy 13:42

Stumpy wepped
3 Stumpy 1:1

Stumpy cursed the seed tree out of season and no one knows why
3 Stumpy 5:5

Then stumpy blessed a sumflower seed and feed 7O hamsters
3 Stumpy 10:3

Stumpy is my hamster. I shall not bite. He maketh me to lie down in wood shavings; he restoreth the seed bowl. He sends fresh water. i will follow him all the days of my short life and dwell in the holy cage forever.
3 Stumpy 3:4

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