July 20, 2016 The RNC
Day 3 Of The Convention
Dietz and I took a chance :)
Although there were fears about the RNC in Cleveland and although I was told that I would not be able to get close to convention headquarters, both of these speculations turned out to be false. By today, the 3rd day of the convention, there was only one arrest, for disturbance of the peace. People feared that it would be a zoo; actually it is a snooze, as the woman in the green blouse, posing with me, said.

People demonstrated but were well behaved, even the most passionate. I saw NO ONE BEARING ARMS! The police were well ordered and the crowd respected them. I don't know what happened to the black people but there were very few there.

KUDOS TO CLEVELAND and to all the visitors and to all the police who came here from all over the country to help out our own Cleveland's finest.


On Jul 20, 2016, at 9:17 PM, Dietz Ziechmann wrote:

A good cross-section of events around the GOP Convention.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dietz Ziechmann
Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: The RNC 3rd day
To: Shlomoh Sherman

The white-haired man standing in the canopied MSNBC station is Hugh Hewlett, rightist Republican radio host. Also pictured is in a trio is Shlomoh Sherman, the mayor of some city (in a black suit) and Scott Newell, of ABC News, former WKYC Ch. 3 Cleveland anchor, with whom my brother John interned around 2 decades ago. Great photos, representative of many aspects of the GOP Convention. Dietz

From: C J von Koschembahr
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:52 PM
To: Dietz Ziechmann
Cc: Daniel von Koschembahr; Grace Hays; G. John Wagner; Carol Erickson
Subject: Re: The RNC 3rd day
Thanks, Dietz. Somehow, I'm getting a surfeit of coverage of the convention, on the air, and in both newspapers. Interesting about John and the newsman.
Frankly, I will be glad when it's over, although there is a certain kick in having it here, in our own city, and my two favorite newscasters, Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill just down the road, as it were.
Onkel C

From: G. John Wagner
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: The RNC 3rd day

Great photo journalism on your group's part!.

Much more exciting series of tableaux than I witnessed today, also day 3. when I went down via the Green Line rapid to attend the Civic Square panel discussion on Immigration in the Eastman Garden of the Cleveland Public Library's Main Branch and incidentally sample the goings on. Was there from 11.39 A.M. to 3:08 P.M. and left via the 3:20 train. However, either I was there too early or too late or didn't have your group's trained journalistic eyes, but I didn't catch quite all the excitement revealed from your photos. Yet, I too witnessed no incident, had a very smooth visit, witnessed many smiling faces, beautiful weather, and many people with cameras and other video and audio recording devices. Some people on the sidewalks had lanyards with attached multiple, large, almost 5" x 7" in size, press passes? RNC passes? dangling from their necks. Also found it easy to get around -- ran into no super crowded places though the new Public Square was well filled and lively. Its splash pad and timed fountains that we witnessed two Saturdays ago were turned off to create more standing room in front of a speakers "soap box" area with Public Address system that had been set up in front of the Moses Cleaveland Stature. Library itself and streets immediately around it were practically empty as was most of the of the Tower City Avenue (at least the Sky lighted portion and its surrounding balcony shops over the concourse and fountain area). Rapid Transit trains themselves were well filled, though not overly so: no standees on way down, minimal standees on way back.

By the way, I spent a little time viewing the Shakespeare Folio exhibit and an associated exhibit of the library's collection of RNC memorabilia from past presidential elections and Cleveland conventions at the Library's third floor Special Collection room and checking out the Library's scanning labs (the "Digital Hub"), also on the third floor, that are specifically available free to the public for digitizing family documents, photos, bibles, books, and other memorabilia onto self-supplied flash media (USB flash drive).

One passerby here from Arizona, "Jeremiah," asked me to shoot a photo of him using his smart phone as he stood by the Library's dated cornerstone. at East 3rd and Superior. He was in town to protest for "several causes" and indeed didn't have much time to chat as he had to get over to one forming about 3:00 on Public Square.

John Wagner

Re: The RNC 3rd day
Shlomoh Sherman <kingsolnew@yahoo.com> Today at 10:01 AM
To G. John Wagner C J von Koschembahr Dietz Ziechmann
CC Daniel von Koschembahr Grace Hays Carol Erickson Lola Farron Dr. Mike Janning and 20 more...

John, thanks for your comments. I don't know why the media chose to frighten everyone here. Dietz and I went down with some amount of trepidation. First, I was told that the closest we'd get would be 30 blocks from the Convention Center and then that the streets would be clogged and unruly; that people would pour in from outside, carrying weapons; I myself was tempted to bring a weapon but at the last moment, I thought better of it. My friend Tony even said "make sure I get invited to the shiva."

Everything about the trip belied all of that. The people on the bus going down to Public Square were quiet and behaved. One woman with an RNC shirt, a volunteer, joked with Dietz and me.

When we got down there, yes, the streets were crowded and there must have been thousands of law enforcement everywhere - but there was calm and even mild euphoria. We walked up to the gate of the Convention and I asked if we could get in and take pictures. They said no but were polite.

We were there 3 hours and I saw no one carrying a weapon. People were laughing and friendly and even several of the impassioned demonstrators joked with me. The police were happy to take pictures with us. Also 3 Texas delegates. Dietz even took a picture of me with the mayor of some town around here and a known journalist.

I hated to leave but we had walked around for 3 hours and I had to get home. The train ride home was really restful.

Mark my words. The convention in Philadelphia will be the violent one. Cleveland people made us proud.

Email Shlomoh:   kingsolnew@yahoo.com