Shlomoh's New York Trip - July 2021 - July 1 to July 12
Arthur and Marion Cronen graciously allowed Judy and me to stay at their Manhattan apartment for most of our trip.
July 4 - Zviah and Jay throw a knockout Independence Day Cookout - first since start of Pandemic. Great to see family and old friends.

July 4 - Night of holiday - on the roof of the Cronen's apartment building.
July 5 - Sunset - looking south on lower Broadway, around the corner from Victoria's apartment building.
July 6 - Ellis Island and the Wall Of Honor.

July 7 - Italian restaurant on Amsterdam Ave.
July 9 - Eve of SHABBAT - Shirley's 94th Birthday.
July 11 - My Most Favorite Food Restaurant - Lunch with Freda.

July 11 - Awful French restaurant on Broadway. Next time we go to Ollies.

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