Jewish Paranoia Over The PASSION: Correspondence Between Shlomoh And Friends

February 23, 2004

From: Grace Harris
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion


Have you stopped to consider that the Jewish paranoia over the Passion is the one thing giving it endless publicity? In effect, Jewish criticism is doing for The Passion what Christian criticism did for Last Temptation. And Hollywood is eating it up. There is nothing like the hint of a something bad to make a movie more popular. The louder you complain, the more people hear about the movie and take notice.

From: "King Solomon"
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion

I can accept your message - but the word "paranoia" spoils it.

The Jewish voice against this antisemtic film is the voice of dissent. It is to let people know that there is a DIFFERENT OPINION in the world.

I don't think that most Jews care that their vocal opposition to this film makes people take notice. They want to raise consciousness. If I myself had the money, I would make a counter-film to show a Jewish perspective. Jews realize that Christianity NEEDS Jews very badly in order to validate the Christian religion.

What people don't realize is that Christianity does not need Jewish history. It CREATES its own version of

Jewish history. Read nearly every Church Father and see his evaluation of Jews - and all vis-a-vis the rejection of Christ. Need I say more? I thank you for your concern but my own feeling is that more Jewish shouting has to be done over this UNNECESSARILY VIOLENT film - just to let people know we think something is dreadfully wrong.

From: Deke Barker
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion

I hate to disabuse you, Grace, but anti-Semitism is not unknown on the European continent, *ESPECIALLY* among the more devout Xians, who also tend to be ultra-nationalists. It's far more prevalent than you seem to believe. (CORRECTION: I wrote "many of whom are Xian and Catholic fundamentalists"; it should have read "...Protestant and Catholic...")

Note that I'm referring to Western Europe, especially Austria and Switzerland. Anti-Semitism is much more common in Eastern Europe and it's the norm in the former Soviet republics.

Again, I think you are confusing anti-Semitic violence with anti-Semitic attitudes. Anti-Semitic violence seems limited to Muslims and neo-Nazis, and I don't think the neo-Nazis are particularly attached to any religion, however much they may claim to be Xians. In particular, I suspect you are projecting France onto the whole of Western Europe. The French experience is somewhat different from that of its neighbors, due to its former North African colonies and the huge proportion of its population (8%?) that is Muslim.

From: Grace Harris
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion


Think perportion. The overwhelming majority of it is Muslim. The next biggest block is leftist. The neo-nazi stuff is there, but it is a small minority.

Anti-semitic Catholics? Like there are Catholic bank robbers. Sheesh. That's why wierdos like Gibson's father left the Catholic church--because the Church condemned them.

From: Deke Barker
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion


It's non-Muslim, too, especially on the part of radical leftists (some of whom are Xians) and at the opposite extreme, ultra-nationalists, many of whom are Xian and Catholic fundamentalists.

You're referring to anti-Semitic violence, which is either Muslim or ultra-nationalist (typically neo-Nazi) teenagers and young adults.

From: Jim Massey
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion

Update, February 20, 2004


The origin of this remains the New Testament and Church teachings. The Gibson movie will act as a flare in Europe!

From: Grace Harris
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion

The controversy was created by those Jews (not all Jews) who, like Shlomoh, are over-reacting to fears of the movie unleashing Christian antisemetism, which for all practical purposes, has been marginalized by the church.

From: "King Solomon"
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion

Right! Jews, NOT the secularists, created the controversy. It needed creating. And please don't compare this film to the LAST TEMPTATION. It's in a completely different class.

From: Grace Harris
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004
Subject: Jewish paranoia over the Passion

The old antisemetism is now so far out of the mainstream that the few nutcases like Mel's father are laughed at or treated with scorn by Christians. It is worth noting that not all Jews feel the way Shlo does. Maia Morgenstein, the Jewish daughter of holocaust survivors, is delighted to play the part of Mary in the movie.

Grace Harris converted to Roman Catholicism from Holiness Religion over 20 years ago.

Deke Barker is a member of the church of The Disciples Of Christ.

Jim Massey is a Lutheran

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