Oh let me love you in reality
The way I do in fantasy
Come to me
With open arms
With open thighs
With open heart
Bursting with love for me
Bring your sweet affections for me
To me here
And share the bliss of a lover's touch
With me
In reality
The way we have in fantasy,
Shared so many things.
Let the gentle rain fall
And all of love's wonderfull music play
As we - entangled in each other -
Perform love's wrestling
A bout in which both of us are winners
Fondling and kissing
Oh let us drive each other mad
Not only with desire and passion
But with prolonged fullfillment
Pleasuring one another
In that way
That only lovers can.
Our skins afire
Our hearts and souls burning
One for the other
Dancing love's dance
While our sweet music plays
Oh let me love you in reality
The way I do in fantasy
Come to me!Winter 1990
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