PRAYERS FOR ME (on reflecting upon your words that you would pray for me)

Your words of blessing ascend to Heaven
All filled with love and caring,
They ring out with CHESED and RACHAMIM -
To Him who understands kindness and compassion
And perhaps
It may be His desire
To grace me with your wishes.
So I close my eyes
And open up my heart.  
My arms outstretched to receive
That which He may most generously bestow
At your request.
Thus your love for me is translated
Into expressions of asking (Him);
They fly upwards -
And then are hopefully returned
Over the curve of the Earth,To my Island.
Are they not the grand spiritual "posts"
From you to me -
Mediated by the Grandest Modem of Spirit?
So I receive your loveMost hungrily -
Now, as prayers -
For me -From you - with fondest affections for me.
I smile -A
And if He does not deign to grant them now -
Still I know
They do not go out endlessly into space -
But have been received and stored
Near the Throne.
Shall I smile the less,
Knowing of your love for me?

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