Every Person In The BibleBy Richard Vallance Jankefor David, my Christian Friend. John 11:35: "Jesus wept"
I am every person in the Bible.
I am Adam and also I am Eve.
I am beguiled and also I deceive.
I’m Cain’s fierce battles, all intertribal.I am Isaac, your firstborn, on Your stone altar.
I am your Father, you’re my Son, grievous to kill.
I am the Psalmist, all alone with my psalter.
I am Goliath, whom David perhaps shall kill.I was and am Moses, borne away on the Nile.
I am Egypt’s Pharoah, thus pariah to slave.
I am Job’s valour, his righteousness or shame.
I am reduced to tears, Rock at Your opened grave.I am Iscariot. You’ll remember my kiss.
I am not Jesus. Rest certain of this.
Richard Vallance, "Every Person in the Bible", in Canadian Spirit Voices.
Las Vegas, NV.: Kedco Studios, (c) 2003. ISBN 1-788-431-44-7
© 1998 & 1999 by Richard Vallance July, 1998Richard can be contacted at laissezmoienpaix@coolgoose.ca
Richard's website can be found at http://poesieslaissezfaire.homestead.com
Some brief bio info: Richard Vallance, Canadian poet, sonneteer & poetry critic.
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