By George Martin

I saw America today,

And in that seeing she stood proud.

Upon this modern day

Of infamy

I heard the poet say

"Her head is bloody but unbowed."

Her pride is rooted in the several ways

Of her most noble sons;

Her Lincolns -

Her Nathan Hales;

Her great, majestic tales

Of Valley Forge and Iwo Jima,

The bloody sands of Omaha,

The rusted maw

Of the Arizona that holds

Those martyred other ones

Slain by another evil,

Long since ground into unhallowed dust

As these new jackals will be,

As they must!

"The sleeping giant wakes at last,"

And from his steel-mailed fist be cast

The thunderbolts of righteous wrath

That will end forever the evil roles

That spread their cancer through men's souls..

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