Your voice
Catching me by surprise!
Time stands still for an instant
To enable my heart to catch up with it
And you are with me again.
Your laughter filling my senses...
It is you, unmistakeably you!
We speak, we chat, we recount our lives.
The happiness and the sadness...
New surprises...
Time passes as it stands still for us again.
Seconds, minutes, meaning nothing to us.
Just we two - basking in each others voices.
Oh the sweet warmth......of dearest...
And I ache for you ... but my voice does not betray it...
Wanting you...close to me...
Much closer than you can ever come...
Needing the feel of you against me...
Needing your lips...your gentle fingers carressing me...
Needing to hear you say words to me...words which you know...
Words which you form with your heart instead of your mouth...
Oh sweet mouth...oh sweet heart...oh sweet lover of mine...
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Hidden in deepest night you wrap yourself in darkness
You call to me and bid me come...
Into your waiting arms I fall
Into your magic embrace (which I have not known and yet)
Which is as familiar to me as my own thoughts (of you).
In darkness, we lie together, doing all that lovers may do..
Tender and passionate are we with one another
As with no other...
And as no other I do love you so
As you do love me, as no other
And that love which you bear me is sweet
As are you my dearest Dulcinea...
Cruel daylight drives away our love-darkness
And we must part...going our separate ways
And yet, even as you leave I cling to your voice, your love
As you do cling to mine...
And we promise one speak love again
Soon, soon my beloved
You shall again be within my embrace
And I in yours
And we shall say to one another in many ways, in many words
Love Love oh sweet, dearest one for whom I wait in the night.

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