ODE TO ZVIAHFeb 5, 1997
You asked me
If I wanted a son
But let your response be
As the response of Elkanah to Channah:
"Why is thy heart grieved?
Am I not better to thee than ten sons?" ***
For surely you are, sweetest daughter.
My love for you is boundless.
It is unconditional.
It remains forever.
Who is it
That could ever be
A better child to me
Than you?
For you have remained
Constant in your love for me
Tho' I have often walked
On paths of which you do not approve.
Yet we have always
Had so much
That binds us together,
And always will.
I asked HASHEM
For a child as a gift,
And in His infinite wisdom and love
He gave me you.
I have been ever grateful.*** First Samuel I:8
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