November 9, 1996


        How sweetly and passionately have you loved me.
        Unselfishly and fully
        Have you been a lover and teacher to me,
        So that now
        I shall live
        On a much higher MADREAGH of awareness
        Than before I knew you.

        I think of you
        And the so-much that we have shared,
        And I weep
        That we are now ununited.
        Ununited yet, in my mind,
        Not completely disentangled.
        For I still carry you
        Within my heart
        And within my mind.

        This dark November
        I give thanks
        To you
        And to G-d
        Whom you have helped me to discover anew -
        For having known you,
        For your love,
        For all we have done together.

        May you be blessed
        Today and tomorrow
        And all your life.
        My mind and my heart are with you.

        I stand here on my island,
        And dream of a time
        When we two
        May be stronger than circumstance
        In a much kinder reality.

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