The Jewish Voice: Where Religious Jews Gather to Find God
Yaakov Mikhael Liu
Residency in Neuroscience & Psychiatry, Peking University Health Science Center
June 4, 2021
Why dont Jews accept Jesus as the messiah?
We can say that Joshua is a Messiah, or Mithra is a Messiah, or Rama is a Messiah, or Nagarjuna is a Messiah, above are no problems. Messiah means "anointed". Every cohen and king ordained by annointed etiquette is a Messiah. For example, Messiah Aaron, Messiah David Messiah Hazael, etc.
If we want to say that a person is a Messiah, we must first figure out who we are talking about. The Joshua described in the Gospels has no corresponding person in historical records other than the Gospels. Joshua is a common name. For example, the prophet who built the Second Temple was Joshua, a Persian Jew. Some of deeds and remarks of Joshua mentioned in the Gospels can be found in the deeds and remarks of two real people in history: Rabbi Joshua in Egypt and Joshua the magician in Antioch. Both of these two persons lived in the Hellenistic kingdoms, not the Hasmonean dynasty and Rome. In addition, in the Gospels, there are some extreme statements from unknown sources cursing non-Christianity, which was obviously added by later Christians. Because there is no other historical record that records the Joshua in Jerusalem described in the Gospels, when we say that Joshua is a Messiah, we need to think about who we are referring to.
Then, what needs to be known is that Messiah has absolutely no meaning of savior or second coming. The meaning of the savior and the resurrection may stem from its confusion with the image of Mithra.
In Judaism, resurrection, or reincarnation, is not the patent of a specific person. Everyone who believes in a religion that conforms to the Seven Laws of Noah, if has regrets in fulfilling the commandments in the world, will transmigrates to live as a new life to make up for the regrets. And those whose souls return to the L-rd through links of immanence, the good part of their memory will also participate in the eternal process of creating the world, which can also be considered a kind of reincarnation or nirvana.
The Messianic era refers to an ideal state considered by Rabbinical Judaism. In this era, everyone is a Messiah, a great scholar, a cultivator, and self-sufficient. This self-sufficiency is based on keeping the commandments and inventing technologies through wisdom. The future Messiah does not mean that there will be a savior in the future who will rule the people like a king.
Finally, even if the Rabbinical literature is not considered, and the Hebrew Bible is interpreted literally in a fundamentalist Christian way, it does not mean that there will be a Messiah in the future. It has been elaborated in Eli Jacobs 's answer. In fact, these so-called prophecies in the Hebrew Bible said by Christianity, what they were described is main the establishment of the Hasmonean dynasty and the restoration of the temple by Messiah Judas Maccabeus.
Alex Toussieh
June 7, 2021
Because he didn't fulfill the Messiah's roll of saving Israel from the Romans (at his time), returning sovereignty and later fixing the world. The world is still full of wars and terrible things 2000 years later. To the Jews, the question is not why accept him as a Messiah but why do so?