May, 2014
With the arrival of Spring-Summer, we started fixing up the house and gardens. We also acquired new home protection.
So do you feel lucky, punk?
Caracature drawn of Sue and me at the Berea National Cookoff Memerial Day Weekend.
In early May, I photographed the dramatic sky over the Richmond Mall.
June, 2014
City Skyline from the highway.
Late afternoon sky from our backyard
We're making changes to the house this summer. We got a new front gate and we are having the roof redone so I have captured the roof as it is now. We also got new railings on the house steps and Sue put up new address numbers on the front raling. Also new flowers have sprouted.
We got a new gazebo-canopy for the back yard and set it up.
Pussycat hiding in the hedges after dog attacked kittens.
As the summer begins to arrive, the property produces beautifull vegetation!
June 18, 2014
The stadium from the Shoreway [Route 2], going west
Edgewater on Lake Erie on a great weather day!
Euclid Wind Festival in Sims Park beach pier
Church of Saint Mary Magdalene Festival
Good old boys of the Catholic War Veterans who asked me
if I wanted to join and asked me if I am a practicing Catholic!
At the end of Father's Day, I am exhausted. Sue bought me a new filing cabinet for my day.
My daughter sent me a COOL Father's Day JibJab Card - CLICK here to check it out
Dramatic Sky Over Dave's Super Market
June 23, 2014 - Suzanne enhanced the Beach area in front of the house