Oooh, my little creamy one, delicious one
When you gonna give me re-lief, Mylanta?
Oooh, you make my bowels run, between my buns
Standing in the bathroom line, Mylanta!
Never make it stop, let it run
such a dirty hind, Always gotta wipe gotta scrub
drive me out my mind. My My My I I Woo!
M M M My Mylanta
Come a little closer huh, will ya huh
close enough to go in my mouth Mylanta!
Keep producing gassy heat, gets to me
runnin down the length of my thighs Mylanta!
Never gonna stop, smelly farts,
such a dirty hind, always gotta wipe gotta scrub
drives me out my mind. My My My I I woo!
M M M My Mylanta..
When you givin me relief, to me relief
Is it just a matter of time, Mylanta?
Is this d d diarheee, the end o' me
Or will u stop tormenting my hind, Mylanta?
Never gonna stop, stinkin up, my new office chair
such a burning hind. gotta go,
smell it in my hair. My my my I I woo!
M M M My Mylanta...