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Site created: September 11, 2008
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Hi! Thanks for visiting my site. Here are are few facts about me.

I'm currently retired. In my working life, I have held many jobs. I am now a non-working actor and stand up comic. I have been a computer programmer and a web designer, among other things.

You know, my name wasn't always Shlomoh. I used to have a regular name, like you, Stanley. But I changed it to Shlomoh for show business reasons, and because I thought Stanley was too Jewy!

I tell people that my name is spelled with a silent H at the end. Silent letters! What genius thought of that concept? Imagine a guy who has a name with all silent letters! Hey you! What's your name? He just stands there with his mouth hanging open.

I had the negative distinction of being born on April 20. That, for your information, is Hitler's birthday. Imagine! I was a young lad during World War 2, and all the kids at school made fun of me about Hitler's birthday. Even my family made fun of me about it. My parents would make a birthday party for me and instead of handing out little party hats to the children, they'd hand out little moustaches.

By now you already figured out that I'm a Jew. What else could I be? Just look at my face in the photo area!

By the way; you know that little piece they cut off me when I was a baby? I still have that. My family had it bronzed. It was their way of making up for the little moustaches.

Monday April 20th, 571 CE is also the birthday of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam!

The final H is silent but he never is. Shlomoh Sherman is a displaced New York Jew who likes to make people laugh. People have said that he is the most Jewish Jew and the most New Yorkiest New Yorker they have ever met. He is currently retired. In his working life, he has held many jobs. He is now a some time actor and stand up comic. His ex-wife used to call him the Orthodox Jewish Howard Stern. Shlomoh says he is a Jew's Jew and what else could he be? He likes to talk about his life and about the world that Jews have to live in. What a funny place THAT is!!!!

My book, FROM JESUS TO JUDAISM is available on Amazon
Link to my movie trailer based on my book,

If you want to report a problem with any page on this site, or a technical point, you may contact me by E-mail at

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This site maintained by Shlomoh Sherman

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